Friday, 10 August 2012

Releasing the new E Book

When God Gives a Wake Up Call
The Joplin Tornado

On Sunday, MAY 22, 2011 the citizens of Joplin, MO lives were forever changed. What seemed like a normal Sunday afternoon turned into a full-scale disaster. Three average tornadoes merged into one to make a tornado with winds in excess of 200 mph.

What had taken decades for the citizens of Joplin to build was destroyed within minutes when 1/3 of Joplin was decimated. 161 people died and 1000 were injured. A hospital will be rebuilt along with thousands of homes, churches and places of business. Ten of Joplin’s 20 schools were damaged or destroyed. There were multiple deaths at the Wal Mart and Home Depot, which were both destroyed.

The Joplin tornado ranks as one of America’s deadliest tornadoes and is also the costliest tornado in US History; the cost to rebuild Joplin could reach $3 billion. There’s been a great deal going on in this nation for years spiritually and politically that the media doesn’t always report. In this book I explain what I believe the spiritual significance was...When God Gives a Wake Up Call! The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and they who live by it grow in understanding. Psalm 111:10